7 things I learned WHILE DRIVING through THE AMERICAN SOUTH
Last Updated: 03/16/20 | March 16th, 2020
The American South has a mixed reputation: it’s home to sweet tea, greasy but delicious food, country music, the blues, friendly and valuable people, and stunning and diverse landscapes. However, it’s also associated with guns, racists, bigots, rednecks, and is the subject of many other negative stereotypes.
The first time I visited the South was in 2006 on a road trip across the United States.
As a liberal Yankee, I wanted the negative stereotypes to be true and my beliefs to be validated. Instead, I found an incredible region of valuable people, a countryside dotted with rolling hills, farms, and forests, and hearty food rich in flavor. From Charleston to new Orleans and everything in between, the South was extraordinary.
Now, nine years later, on another road trip through the South, I wondered if it would provoke the same warm feelings. America is a more politically divided country and I was unsure what to expect.
The South has drifted to the right politically, and I wondered about heated debates about “that president,” gay rights, guns, and more.
Would I feel like a stranger in a strange land?
After spending months exploring the region, I realized that the southern states, encompassing a large area of the United States, are not as culturally and politically monolithic as they once were. There is a prodigious variety here, and the region left me with many impressions.
1. The Food will Make You Happy
Food plays a central role in southern life and is rich in both flavor and diversity. Each region has its own specialties — barbecue in Missouri, Memphis, and North Carolina; Creole food and oysters in new Orleans; Cajun food on the Bayou; fried chicken in Nashville; the growing organic food scene in Atlanta; and upscale dining in Oxford, Mississippi.
I pictured southern food as greasy, fried, and heavy fare. While much of it is hearty, the richness in flavor and variety was outstanding. There is something for everyone, and if you go hungry while visiting, it’s your own fault.
2. music Makes the region Go ’Round
Music is a way of life here. The sound of live music filled the air everywhere. Nashville, Memphis, and new Orleans are famous music haunts, but even the tiniest towns have robust live music scenes. From jazz to country to blues to bluegrass, there’s a music soul to this region. I danced, jammed, and sang, and it was wonderful.
3. The people really are Friendly
There’s a common belief that the South is home to the friendliest people in the country. I’m not sure I believe that, but I would agree that Southerners are certainly friendly. They are cheerful, talkative, and incredibly helpful. Strangers waved hello, inquired about my day, were quick with invites for drinks, and generally made an effort to make me feel welcome. The folks here have hospitality down to an art.
Plus, they seem to have an endless supply of sweet tea and I can’t get enough of that stuff!
4. The Landscape is Stunning
The southern landscape is stunning and diverse. The Smoky Mountains are a vast, dense forest filled with inviting rivers, lakes, and trails. The Louisiana bayou is haunting with moss-covered trees and eerie calm. The hills of Appalachia stretch for wooded miles, and the whole Mississippi Delta, with its swamps, marshes, and biodiversity, is gorgeous. and the beaches of Florida are so white they sparkle.
I could spend months hiking and exploring all the parks and rivers in the region. (Mental note to future self: Do that.)
5. To understand It, You have to understand Its Past
As a former high school history teacher (I taught right out of college), I was excited to explore the area’s colonial cities and Civil war sites. Cities like Natchez, Vicksburg, new Orleans, Savannah, Memphis, Richmond, and Charleston helped shape the country, and their history and influence are important to the story of America.
It was in these cities that many American cultural and political leaders were born, the Civil war began, battles were won and lost, the rise and fall of slavery was sown, and many of the biggest names in American cultural history were born.
These cities and their history help explain a lot about southern pride, culture, and current feelings.
6. It’s Politically Conservative
Though the Ashevilles, Nashvilles, Atlantas, Austins, and other big cities of the region have become more liberal (thanks in part to open-minded college students, northern transplants, and hipsters), the rest of the region has moved more to the right nyligen.
Besides country music, radio options seem to consist only of Christian lectures and music or right-wing talk radio warning of immigrants bringing in polio, evil Muslims, and Obama the antichrist. I overheard many conversations about “that guy” (the President) and “queers.” The big cities may be liberal, but in the rest of the South, it’s as conserVative som konservativ kan vara.
7. Det är rasistiskt (men det är inte 1950 -talets våldsamma rasistiska)
Jag tyckte att rasismen i det moderna söder var mer en “off-the-cuff rasism” än ett djupt sittande hat. Det var baserat på stereotyper som höll sig på eftersom de helt enkelt blev en vana.
Från B & B -ägaren som kommenterade en offhand om judar till killarna i Nashville som pratade om att svarta var arbetare eftersom “det är så det är”, till folket i Atlanta som gjorde narr av homofile, till college barn i Mississippi som berättar för mig rasistiska skämt (eller sjungande rasistiska låtar på bussar), de flesta kom över helt enkelt som otänkande.
Om de frågades om deras anmärkningar var fördomade, skulle de förmodligen säga “Nej, det var bara ett skämt.” Men det är fortfarande väldigt stötande.
Ingen verkar ifrågasätta dessa idéer, varför dessa attityder verkar dröja. Betyder det att jag tror att alla är en djupt sittande rasist? Nej inte alls. Jag tror att söderna har gjort otroliga framsteg mot jämlikhet och rasism är en fråga på många ställen. Även om det var bättre än det brukade vara, är det fortfarande väldigt utbrett, och med att gå mot den politiska höger, ser jag inte att det försvinner när som helst snart.
Jag hade hoppats att denna stereotyp skulle visa sig vara föråldrad men tyvärr var det inte.
Trots dess brister växer jag till att älska området mer med varje besök. Det är ett av de mest kulturellt rika områdena i landet. Det finns en anledning till att städerna blomstrar.
Gå och kolla regionen, gå ut ur städerna, resa genom bergen och hitta dig in i de små städerna. Du kommer att upptäcka vänliga människor, himmelsk mat, fantastisk musik och en uppskattning för en långsam takt i livet.
Resor bryter ner hinder och missuppfattningar om människor och platser. Ju mer du reser, desto mer förstår du människor (även när du inte håller med dem).
Söderna och jag kanske inte håller med om många frågor, men det är inte regionen som de negativa stereotyperna gör det. Det är en livlig, livlig, intressant och vänlig del av USA.
Och en region fler människor bör lära känna.
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